Friday, December 6, 2024

Must read lists!

For everyone:
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Wild at heart - John Eldredge (Christian writer, but super interesting for any man, and/or woman wanting to understand men)

For Christians:
- Jongeren Bijbel (Youth Bible, with connotations which make you understand the bible better)
- Biblical Encyclopedia - To make you understand the context better; so you will understand the bible better.
- Who is the Holy Spirit - Derek Prince 
(Link to book: -click-, click next chapter underneath to keep reading the book)

For every hardcore reader:
  • Textbook of Medical Physiology - Guyton and Hall
    Link to book in PDF: -click-,
  • 12 rules for life - Jordan B. Peterson
    (Like him or not; he is nuanced and very knowledgeable)

For hardcore Christians:

Thanks to Jeroen & Javi for the suggestions and being my friends without ends.

Feel free to contribute in the comments!
(Please substantiate your contribution.)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Getuigenis 1

Misschien moet je m'n achtergrond iets beter kennen om de lading beter te snappen, maargoed.

Het is 2017: Ik ben af en aan wat aan het klussen voor mensen tussen m'n werk-reïntegratie door.

Maar ben niet opgevoed om heel erg ondernemend te zijn, maar om te doen zoals het gezegd word, en niet al te creatief of ruimdenkend na te denken.
(Voor mezelf beginnen was niet voor de hand liggend; dat doen andere mensen die daarin opgroeien ofzo, maar ik moet de veilige weg nemen.)

Dat in combinatie met de kleine rare wereldjes waar ik wel in zat; had ik maar weinig ideeën opgedaan; dan armzalige.

Ik rij naar huis met Denise (m'n vrouw).

Het is koud en pikke-donker, ik schrik en zie een zwart blok;  midden op de snelweg. 

Ik kijk om me heen of het rustig is, of ik er überhaupt veilig omheen kan manoeuvreren.

Yes; zwart blok gemist, fhew. Geen ongeluk. 😅

Ik kijk nog eens om me heen, en dacht even na; en ga rustig de vluchtstrook op, om het van de weg af te halen, dat kan alleen omdat het heel rustig is.

Ik neem het blok mee, en neem een paar plastic scherven die op de vluchtstrook liggen, van iets wat een kapotte krat lijkt te zijn, van iets van een pakket bezorger ofzo.
(Ook in de hoop een adres te vinden; als het iets waard is; om het terug te geven.)

Ik bellen naar het bedrijf wat ik kon vinden op één van de plastic scherven; vraagt de baliemedewerkster: "Of ik het kan komen brengen"

Hier had ik geen zin in en tijd voor; ik was dan anderhalf uur onderweg.

Ze kunnen best ophalen wat ik voor ze van de snelweg heb afgetrokken, en zo meer problemen voorkomen heb.

Ik vroeg aan haar of ik iemand anders kan spreken, iemand die erover gaat.

Die beste man vertelde mij dat de deur van een nieuw ingerichte bus niet goed dichtgedaan was, en er inderdaad spullen zijn uitgevallen, en dat het  allemaal al opgelost is met de verzekering, en wenste me veel plezier... Met...

De gereedschapskoffer:

Kort hierna heb ik me bij de KvK aangemeld als klussenbedrijf, en heb sindsdien m'n eigen broekriem opgehouden.

Hoe ga je mij vertellen dat dit toevallig is?

Prijs de Heer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Making amends.

With myself and my wife.
With God and my own life.

I can't change the past.
But I can change myself.

Thank God for what He has done.
Thank our Holy Father for His Son.
Thank the almighty Creator and His Son.


I used to feel this confused:
(I was reminded by that song because of the choosing of words: "I gotta move on with my own life!" )

Thank God for setting me straight.

For sure I still like the sound of the song.
Bur it will probably mostly more and more become a reminder of what used to be.

Thank God it was not too late.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Who? What? Why?

I really love to ask questions lately, now more than ever xD
And I can only imagine people's annoyance sometimes because of this :')

But I think that asking the right questions is key to finding whatever it is you are looking for...
Assumptions and socially accepted behaviour on the other hand...

The new Icon for a hire's song "Supposed To Be" made me think ( <insert puns here xD ) ...
Much flown trough my mind with this simple question "Who am I supposed to be?" which is the first line of the song...

Group-pressure, the need for acceptance, the wanting for fitting in...

I've been there too, and for some parts; I'm still there o.O''
How assertive and extrovert people might think I am...
You might not know the masks I'm wearing too,
unless you we get real uncomfortable with each other...

Which i.m.h.o. has a big chance to be a good thing, no strong and/or good characters have been formed under comfortable situation xD
This so called society/community we've made doesn't work. and the only reason we keep it standing because we don't know how to change it and we are afraid to change it.
But when has angst ever been the right drive?

Are we going to walk the wide road and give ourselves submissively into all?

I get it, you are tired, I'm tired too...

But in the long haul... Won't it be worth it?

You obviously can't stay where you are now.
Changes need to be made.
And you/we need to start somewhere.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Looking back.

I always thought that looking back was a bad thing.
And you should not do this...
Just keep looking forward; never look back. Just keep pressing on.

But now I feel more than ever that I need to look back.


When I look back...
...that's where I see the distance I have already traveled.

There I see the paths I can now choose not to take, because I know where they've led me.
There I see all the things I have al ready accomplished.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Thou shall not mourn!

So many people keep telling each other that we must go on, keep looking forward only, and not think too much about the past.
And also; you cannot mourn about the following things:
-Past relations
-Dead goldfish
Because this is either silly or unnecessary in other people's eyes, so it should be in yours too.

But I've found out the opposite is true.
Only if you really mourn about these things it really gets the place it deserves, and you will finally be at peace with it.

I'm not telling you to constantly think and talk about you dead goldfish or you ex, but sometimes; when it feels right. (Dosed)
Theres no need in ignoring your feelings and things that have been part of your life, you shouldn't push it away, but rather share about the good stuff and try to be constructive about the bad.

Give it, and yourself the space you need.