Friday, December 30, 2016

Thou shall not mourn!

So many people keep telling each other that we must go on, keep looking forward only, and not think too much of the past.
And also; you cannot mourn about the following things:
-Past relations
-Dead goldfish
Because this is either silly or unnecessary in other people's eyes, so it should be in yours too.

But I've found out the opposite is true.
Only if you really mourn about these things it really gets the place it deserves, and you will finally be at peace with it.

I'm not telling you to constantly think and talk about you dead goldfish or you ex, but sometimes when it feels right.
Theres no need in ignoring your feelings and things that have been part of your life, don't push it away, but rather share about the good stuff and try to be constructive about the bad.
Give it, and yourself the space you need.