Sunday, May 22, 2016

You are what you...

This one kinda might sound a tad dark, and might be unpopular with the masses.. but I really think this applies...

You are the people you surround yourself with.
If you like it or not; chances are that you'll either already look a bit like all of your friends or you are becoming to look like them; it is kind of inevitable and logical...
You need to love whom you hate to not get overtaken by this, but it does not mean you have to spend more time and energy in these persons than you have to.

You are what you fill your eyes/brain/mind with..
When you read/watch/listen the news; how can you not care less / not deaden over time?
(The hardest part for me is to be unable to make changes to the horror we see)
If you watch porn; how can you not fall the slightest bit in detachment on the matter?

You are what you fill you body with.
You can only be as healthy as what you put into your body.
I never heard anyone complain about eating too healthy :')
I've only heard people not balancing there food out right; mineral and/or taste-wise.

In other words...
You are what you consume.
Whatever you fill your heart, brain and time with.

And we all know; Consuming unhealthy...
No matter which way we consume...
Sooner or later it will take its toll :\

Do you have more things you think that fit right in? Feel free to let me know! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

My schizophrenic angel

My schizophrenic angel

Tonight, Lord
I have asked you
to send me an angel,
which would tell me
what to do and
what to leave.

But you sent me
to myself
to be my own messenger.
Being my own schizophrenic angel
for myself.

As my own light unto my path
that shoots on when I pass myself.

- - -
This was actually in a genuine Christian book for faith-tangled teenagers xD
I think it is hauntingly beautiful in it's own way ^^ :3

How did you interpreted this poem*?

 (*Is this called a poem? Or is there a English word that better specifies this summary of words?)


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Are you ready?

I don't know for sure, only time can tell..
But for now.. I think that the only way for me to really be ready for a relationship is...
To immensely self-reflect and to be really at peace with myself (and the being alone part)

What do you think that prepares you for an future stable relationship?

Bonus: Three Days Grace clip with parts of the Hilary Duff movie 'Raise your voice' :')

Fair warning.

How can one put it's mind to rest if we're constantly filling it?
Mostly with garbage that is :P

I cannot press this to your heart too many times..
Give yourself, your brain.. The time to process things!

On our few precious moment we actually have the time to choose what we do with it..
We make even more noise; we fill up our eyes and ears, maybe to feel sedated.. Because the alternative is too confronting, to painful...
Or because we're used to; addicted maybe even.. to reach out for our phone.. to put on our tv..

But there's no real escape to this..
Either your brain catches up with you.. When you want to sleep.. Maybe you'll get a burn-out somewhere along the road...
or you end up being a person you actually despise...

Concessions and choices..
You'll have make 'em either-way; or life lives you.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Simple things

I really do like to hang out with people and even go to festivals and stuff..
But what makes a moment good/great/or maybe even awesome?

I've found out that for me it helps to let go of previous misconceptions:
- Silences: Uncomfortable? Or just relaxed? ( < A very widely mistake made on dates)
- Image: Better close to yourself than being a uniform sausage :")
- Not exactly liking the same: Better that we do not all like the same right? (.. Otherwise we would all look alike ... which would mean that we would fancy on ourselves xD ... although, with all that narcissistic hassle nowadays.. it seems we're no stranger to this :P I think it's a good thing that everyone has their thing; there are always common grounds :)
- Speed: Rather good instead of rash :)
(Feel free to give me some more examples and other ways to think :) )

And to chew on what made a moment good...

What made your good moments good?

And what makes moments that should be good bad?

If you know what you like and dislike; you will have much more good moments.. least; if you make 'em like that :)

List of things I like:

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Awkward Relationships

People can be awkward as f#ck xD

Just like me in my own way/sometimes/I guess :')

But some people... if you look further than the surface; they're amazing ^^


And isn't going past the surface the only way to maintain or begin any type of relationship in the first place?

I'm even annoyed by my best friends sometimes, but I think..
After arguing/discussing it out (and maybe even not agree in the end..).
Having an awkward moment...
(Not forgetting what's inside these peoples hearts)
The going past this point like adults..
That's worth everything!

These kind of moments really deepened my relationships with some friends and family;
and it got rid of people who weren't a good addition to my life anyway...

Don't be frightened to have an awkward moment; It might just be the best thing happen to you ^^

Friday, May 6, 2016

Don't be too hard on yourself :)

Whenever I'm taking driving lessons and the instructor gives me an instruction; I assume that I must do this perfectly.
Because in his instruction I do not hear "try" or anything like this...
Just this command/instruction :P
And off-course; I fail terribly...*

He says;  "pull the car over"

Omg; here it comes, I've messed it up.. again.. story of my life.. I'm a fuck-up..

First thing he asks me: "What's on the roof?"
Huh? What's he talking about? Is this some kind of dreamy metaphor?? :')
"It's an L isn't it?" He asks..
And adds: "An L for learning; not for knowing"
And that's exactly it.

We didn't got out of the womb with all the knowledge in the world.
We didn't get all the proper education on school we needed...
And I sure as hell didn't got all the handles/tools in my upbringing that I needed :P

We all need to do our own falling on our face :')
And probably we don't learn from the first time xD

But if you accept that you are learning and your are really trying; that's good enough.

No need to be negative and hard on yourself..
If anything; it's quite the self-destructing thing to do.

* ...because my standards are way to high
(which I assumed these were the instructor's standards)

Take the time to know yourself.

How can you expect someone to like you for your passions if they have withered?
Or if you never really had one to begin with?

Your true passion; the one you find when you are finding yourself.

You need this if you want to find the job that suits you...
And if you want a more stable&fulfilling life...
(which includes partner relationships)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Full head

Whenever you're chaotic, feel unfulfilled (like feeling alone) or satisfied; feel like you didn't do enough that day that was useful
Chances are; You either want to sedate yourself or solve it (purchase/consume).

Whatever makes you feel so bad that it's consuming you,
This feeling got out of hand... for whatever reason.
Either conscious or subconscious (maybe a trigger)

The best thing I've found out you can do is the opposite what your brain wants to do:
Take a good moment of rest that is ;)
Close your eyes let your brain actually process some stuff for a second.
Maybe be in the sunlight
Think about good things in your life (how few they may be)
Think about God if you feel like it
And maybe even do whatever relaxed movement you need to do,
Maybe the exercises you got from a fysiotherapeut anyway (now's a good time to do it ^^ )
or some yoga-like movements you maybe seen somewhere...

For me this works; a little calibration moment

Take time for yourself; the world is noisy enough as it is.

It's easy to give into it; to sedate yourself, and it works for the short term; but on the long term it is harder to get out of patterns and habits...

Why do I/we do the things I/we do? (Like: allow so much noise in our lives)
This is a very good question I ask myself many times to reflect upon myself.

Monday, May 2, 2016


People trying too hard to come off as kind.. and perfect
and others their expectation that you are this and this alone.

In the history of dating; it looked most of the time like a job-interview xD

Why not expose your true self and be accepted for who you are instead of walking on eggshells for the rest of your life?

To love yourself... so you can love others

This is for all the good guys who are always focused on their fellow human beings and loose themselves in it and/or forget themselves.

You are not inexhaustible.

How can you help one another when you're empty?
When you have nothing more to give?

How are you your own person when you have no boundaries?